Lidex – we are
where history is made
Merry Christmas! 2022
Christmas is the green of the Christmas tree and the warmth of its lightsa childlike joy at the thought of giftsa time for our loved onesa moment to take a break from the rush of lifeMerry Christmas! As we welcome the new yearmay we leave all our worries behind
Lidex rewarded
At the UN Day Gala 2022, held on the occasion of the United Nations Day, sustainable development activities undertaken by UNGC were summarized. Every year, the Gala brings together people from the world of politics, business, and culture involved in these activities, and it is also an opportunity to award distinctions and express thanks to…
Lidex at the UNGC gala
As every year, on October 24, Lidex executives had the honor to participate in the UN DAY 2022 Gala and celebrate the United Nations Day. During the UN Day Gala, this year’s publication – “Yearbook 2022” – was released. It contains a description of the best practices of sustainable business and activities undertaken in the…
Canaletto Festival – night tour
Exciting events are coming and they are coming at night. Lidex as a partner of the Royal Castle in Warsaw invites you to the night tour of the exhibition “Bernardo Bellotto. On the 300th anniversary of the painter’s birth” as part of the Canaletto Festival on 15 October.
International Translation Day 2022
September 30 marks the International Translation Day under the patronage of St. Jerome – the author of the first translation of the Scripture. Every day we keep in mind that our translators and interpreters perform important and difficult work, but today we would like to give them special thanks for it.
Lidex in TOP 10!
The latest ranking of Central and Eastern European translation companies has just been published by CSA Research. We are pleased to announce that we have entered the TOP 10 of this ranking, taking the 8th position. Those who are interested in numerology know that 8 is a symbol of success.
May team-building meeting
Ostatnia sobota minęła nam pod znakiem integracji i zwiedzania. Nasz lidexowy zespół był gościem Zamku Królewskiego w Warszawie, którego przedstawicielka w ciekawy i inspirujący sposób zaprezentowała nam historię tego okazałego obiektu. Było wesoło i miło, a my już wiemy, że… król spał na siedząco.
Easter 2022
May this Easter be a time of deep reflection, peace and unity. Let us spend this Easter surrounded by family and friends, appreciating the privilege of spending time with our loved ones. Let us look at the world around us with an open heart, empathy and tolerance.
News from the Katowice branch
On February 24, the whole world went upside-down. We all became focused on helping our Ukrainian neighbours – we have been and are helping as much as we can. Most recently, on March 8, we encouraged you to participate in a webinar translated into Ukrainian by the Katowice Lidex branch, “Whether and how to talk…
Merry Christmas 2021
May the coming year bring us all peace, joy and all good fortune. In the meantime, however, let us feel the magic of Christmas with its fancy Christmas trees, aromatic gingerbread cookies and the tunes of our favourite hits. Breaking news for all the fans of Kevin: this year he will most probably be home…
Ukraine – we thank our interpreters
Probably most of us are deeply concerned about what’s going on in Ukraine. We express our solidarity with Ukrainians and wish them a peaceful resolution of the current dramatic situation, which is very complex and complicated according to pundits. Journalists and the media are working relentlessly to keep us posted on the conflict and its…
January 2022 in the Gdynia branch
The Gdynia branch started 2022 in a strong, maritime manner: we have completed a translation project for a leading entity from the port services industry that lasted for over two months. It related to the obtainment of EU funds for the development of infrastructure and port quays under the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF). The project…
2021 in the Conference Department
Drodzy Klienci i Partnerzy, dziękujemy Wam za niesamowity rok 2021, w którym mogliśmy współpracować przy ponad 1000 spotkań, w tym przy ponad 400 wydarzeniach online oraz hybrydowych. Dla działu konferencji był to najbardziej pracowity rok w historii. Obfitował w zupełnie nowe wyzwania techniczne i logistyczne, pozwolił nam zdobyć ogromne doświadczenie w złożonych realizacjach prowadzonych jednocześnie…