Lidex – quick and reliable
Your translation and interpreting services provider
Graphic design of translated documents
What is professional typesetting, so-called DTP (Desktop Publishing)
Professional typesetting of translations, commonly known as DTP (Desktop Publishing), is used in situations when customers need materials with a specific purpose. It can be a translation of an article for a press publication or a large-scale production of translated company catalogues. And also any other work in which precise recreation of all details, excellent quality of the graphics and photos and many other elements that are not visible to the naked eye are important in the printing process. The printing process is carried out by the professional staff of the printing house on the basis of materials provided by the translation agency.
The multi-stage nature of DTP makes the preparation of the translated text for printing a lengthy and costly process. It often happens that for various reasons (short deadline, too high costs, lack of high-quality source materials, intended use) full DTP is not justified. In such a situation, the agency implementing the translation project should propose alternative solutions. Solutions adequate to the purpose of the text and meeting the expectations of its target readers.
The layout of translation provided by LIDEX always mirrors the original document
Lidex is in the translation business since 1989. Our history is a time of numerous changes in the field of technologies used both in translation and for full reproduction of the graphic design of the translated text.
We are able to recreate not only the page layout (fonts, columns, interlines) but also the graphic components included in the document, regardless of the translation language.
This is the job of our dedicated Graphic Department team. The team members process complex content and work under pressure of time to keep tight deadlines. But above all, they are experts who advise and assist customers and translators in selecting optimised solutions.
Our customers appreciate the knowledge and expertise of our Graphic Department team. This is another reason why Lidex is chosen as a regular provider of translation services.
Graphic design services at Lidex
Depending on the needs of our customers and the source material, we offer different levels of graphic processing of the translated document:
- PDF files for internal use
- Translation with full graphic layout of the original delivered as an editable MS Word file
- DTP typesetting / graphic design for translated materials earmarked for offset printing or online distribution
It all depends on what the translated copy is to be used for; we will advise you on choosing the most suitable graphic design solution, taking into account the budget, the deadline and the intended purpose of the material.
The level and scope of our graphic design services can always be customised to individual needs and expectations. Not without significance is the support of various file formats and their conversion.
The Lidex Graphic Department team will advise you on selecting the optimal graphic design service.
Feel free to contact us:
Warsaw Graphic design
Tricity Graphic design
Katowice Graphic design
or use the contact form below

Translation and interpreting services Warsaw
(22) 512-47-30
Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
- The fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.