Lidex – Twój partner techniczny
wydarzenia stacjonarne, hybrydowe, online
Remote interpreting
When to use remote interpreting
Remote interpreting has become an immensely popular service as it allows managing international events in an easy, economical and secure manner – online, on a videoconference platform. Remote interpreting is used not only by organisers of hybrid or online conferences. Online interpreting works great also during conversations in a narrow circle or negotiations with foreign partners.
Just like any other online event, it saves time and money. An interpreter or a group of interpreters (in the case of simultaneous interpreting – also into several languages) do not have to travel to the place of the event. The organiser does not have to rent space in the conference facility along with transport and installation of systems for simultaneous interpretation, sound and multimedia.
Interpreters can work completely remotely or from our own online studio in Warsaw or Katowice.
The remote interpreting service gives you many different possibilities to provide your partners, guests and event participants with access to live interpretation into their languages.
We work exclusively with the very best among the interpreters community
For remote interpreters working at Lidex, we provide our own, proprietary tool – #LIDEXONLINE remote interpreter desktop
More information about the Desktop:
At the same time, interpreters prefer providing remote interpretation with Lidex. They know that our technical team experienced in online services monitors their work and provides help and technical support on an ongoing basis.
The comfort and safety of interpreters’ work provided by Lidex translate into the quality of online interpreting itself. And as a result, into the final satisfaction of our Clients and participants of their events.
Clients take advantage of the experience of our Customer Service team and technical team in consulting and providing online interpreting services. We have a lot of practice in the implementation of various online events. Every single week, we handle several events, often at the same time, also with remote interpreting. We know the specifics of this work perfectly well, our Clients take advantage of our knowledge and experience in this area.
We offer interpreting provided with the use of any external platform, including Microsoft Teams, Zoom, Webex, Skype, ClickMeeting, Google Meet, or with our proprietary solutions.
We also offer complementary online services:
- rental of a studio where you can hold your online event
- streaming of your event on the internetu
And if you need translation services, including sworn translation, we can do this online as well – using the qualified electronic signature (QES).
Do you need remote interpreting? Choose Lidex – the leader in online interpreting in Poland. Feel free to contact us:
Warsaw Remote interpreting
Tricity Remote interpreting
Katowice Remote interpreting
or use the contact form below

Translation and interpreting services Warsaw
(22) 512-47-30
Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
- The fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.