As every year, on October 24, Lidex executives had the honor to participate in the UN DAY 2022 Gala and celebrate the United Nations Day.
During the UN Day Gala, this year’s publication – “Yearbook 2022” – was released. It contains a description of the best practices of sustainable business and activities undertaken in the previous year by United Nations Global Compact Network Poland and the Organization’s Partners and Members in order to promote the activities and policies of the United Nations among the Polish society, governmental and business entities.
As on previous occasions, Lidex, as a partner of UN Global, provided simultaneous interpretation (interpreters and simultaneous translation system) as part of the event.
See our General Director, Dorota Emanuel-Roszkowska, speaking about the practices of Lidex in Yearbook 2022 (p. 200).
Link to publication
This is not all the information from the Gala we want to share with you – we will present the rest in the next post.