Statements / contract of mandate

Procedure for Financial Settlement

Procedure for Financial Settlement

Dear Sir/Madam,

Below we present the rules of settlements and payments for orders executed for Lidex, in force since January 2021:

  1. On the 10th business day of each month, you will receive to your e-mail address a Contract (together with the Settlement) for translation and interpreting services performed for Lidex in the previous month.
  2. Please check whether the Contract and the Settlement include all works performed – by you – for Lidex in the given period (number of pages/blocks/hours).
  3. In case of doubts, e.g. as to the rate or number of pages/blocks/hours, or if the Contract/Settlement contains projects that have not been completed or have been completed on a different basis, immediately contact the Lidex employee who ordered the questioned, incorrect, or missing project for clarification and possible receipt of a corrected Contract/Settlement.
  4. The Contracts contain the gross amount for individual projects (calculated according to the agreed rates). We deduct the tax due from the gross amount and transfer it to the Tax Office. We also deduct social insurance contributions, in accordance with your declaration provided in the Statement for tax and social insurance purposes.
  5. The amounts of each Contract up to PLN 200 (including a fixed-term contract) are taxed in the form of a lump sum. This means that 12% tax shall be collected on revenues, without deducting tax deductible expenses.
  6. The accepted Contract together with the Settlement should be signed and sent to the following address: Lidex, ul. Republikańska 24a, 04-404 Warszawa, with a note on the envelope: “Umowa tłumacza” [“Contract of a translator”], “Umowa podwykonawcy” [“Contract of a subcontractor”], or “Umowa współpracownika BK” [“Contract of a Conference Department associate”].
    Please be advised that we also accept readable scans of signed contracts. Please send them to the following e-mail address:
  7. Receivables for signed Contracts sent by the 20th day of each month, after their verification, will be successively transferred between the 25th and 30th of a given month.
  8. If you have any questions, contact the Accounting Department only by sending an e-mail to the following e-mail address:
  9. We would like to remind you that you receive separate Contracts for interpreting services and separate Contracts for translation services and orders in the field of graphic and film work.

Thank you in advance for smooth cooperation in the above-described scope.

Accounting Department Team

Lidex Sp. z o.o., ul. Republikańska 24a, 04-404 Warszawa
Share capital: PLN 60,000.00, District Court for the Capital City of Warsaw in Warsaw,
13th Commercial Division of the National Court Register, KRS 0000198307, NIP 118 00 39 380

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